The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

NUMBER STORY: How many vegans are in the world right now, in 2022?


We see significant pro-veganism movements in Western countries, Eastern Europe, Australia, and Israel. Moreover, veganism has started to gain momentum in Latin America, Asia, and Africa as well

MANDY MEYER: How many vegans are in the world right now, in 2022? For the last sixty years, veganism has been the minority of another minority; vegetarianism. But, for the last four years, we’ve seen these ‘minorities’ taking over the world.

In this article, you’ll find out:

  • The definition of ‘veganism’
  • Top vegan countries in the world right now
  • The total percentage of vegans in the world in 2022…

Regardless of classification criteria, reasons, or types, the number of vegans in the world is on the rise. We see significant pro-veganism movements in Western countries, Eastern Europe, Australia, and Israel.

Moreover, as cultures and landscapes change for the better, veganism has started to gain momentum in Latin America, Asia, and Africa as well. Finally, if the movement maintains the current rate of growth, over the next ten years, at least 1 in 10 people will be vegan. SOURCE…