The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

MILESTONE: FDA approves lab-grown meat for human consumption, animal rights advocates hail the move


The approval of cultured meat by the U.S. regulator is considered a major milestone by companies and animal rights organizations like PETA.

ECONOMIC TIMES: In a historic first, the U.S. FDA approved lab-grown meat for human consumption. The Food and Drug Administration considered the lab-grown chicken produced by Upside Foods, a California-based startup, safe for consumption. The approval of cultured meat by the US regulator is considered a major milestone by companies and animal rights organizations like PETA…

The FDA announced on Wednesday that it evaluated the information Upside Foods submitted and was satisfied with the conclusions. The regulator asserted that the company had completed the “pre-market consultation” of food based on culture animal cells. The company used animal cell culture technology to cultivate chicken meat in a controlled environment. Living cells procured from chickens were used to cultivate the meat sent to the FDA for approval.

PETA released a statement celebrating the event and said they were excited to witness “slaughterless meat becoming a reality”… Upside Food founder Uma Valeti said that the approval would mark a new era of meat production… Lab-grown meat has been making progress in the last few years. However, it was never approved by the FDA prior to the latest development, making it unavailable for human consumption in the US. SOURCE…