The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

‘The Last Pig’: The time a pig farmer became Vegan


GREATER BOSTON: Is the idea of ethical meat consumption a fraud? That question is explored in “The Last Pig,” which chronicles a former livestock farmer who became vegan. The subject of the film, Bob Comis, and the filmmaker, Allison Argo, joined Adam Reilly on Greater Boston to discuss.

“I grappled with the ethics of raising animals for slaughter from the very first two pigs that I raised,” Comis said about his journey to becoming vegan. “It was a gradual process that ended up in a precipitous fall off of a cliff because I had a more or less mystical experience one morning with the pigs where my own being ended and theirs being began. And I sort of felt on a fundamental level that pigs and I were the same type of being, if not the same type of being all together. After that experience, I couldn’t possibly do it [raise pigs for slaughter] anymore.” SOURCE…