The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

HAVE A VEGAN CHRISTMAS: 5 Million Brits Are Having Their First Meatless Christmas Dinner This Year


Nearly all of the major UK supermarket chains announced vegan Christmas ranges leading up to the holiday season, including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Marks & Spencer, and Asda.

KAT SMITH: ‘Around 5 million Brits will have a meat-free Christmas dinner for the first time ever. This is according to new research released by The Vegan Society. According to the study, more British people are open to the idea of having a vegetarian Christmas than they’ve ever been. Eight percent of respondents said this year will be their first meat-free holiday dinner. Twenty-five percent said that they expect to cater to vegan and vegetarian guests. And 15 percent are looking forward to catering to their guests’ needs…

“It’s really great to see more businesses offering vegan products, making it even easier for people to enjoy Christmas in a traditional style but without harming animals,” Dominika Piasecka, spokeswoman for The Vegan Society, said in a statement. Nearly all of the major supermarket chains announced vegan Christmas ranges in the months leading up to the holiday season. This includes Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Marks & Spencer, and Asda…

Additional data reflects that more Brits are choosing to have a meat-free holiday dinner. According to data provider SEMrush, searches for vegan and meat-free Christmas food is up 25 percent this year. Some areas experienced high spikes in searches than others. For example, the Isle of Wight saw a 60 percent increase. Olga Andrienko, head of global marketing at SEMrush, said sustainability is likely the biggest influence’. SOURCE…