The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

Welsh meat lobby to fight vegan ‘fake food news’ on social media


Kevin Roberts, chairman of the meat levy body for Wales, said it will counter the 'sensationalist and misleading health claims by the enemies of red meat'.

ANDREW FORGRAVE: ‘Wales’s red meat sector is pledging to fight the scourge of “fake food news” on social media that denigrates the likes of Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef. Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC), the meat levy body for Wales, said it will deliver a “fact-based fightback” that champions meat’s nutritional values and environmental credentials…

Chairman Kevin Roberts spoke out at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair to counter the “sensationalist and misleading health claims by the enemies of red meat”. “We live in an era of food fake news: of social media sophistry,” he said. “We’re fully aware that, aided by social media in particular, that the pressure has been stepped up by red meat’s opponents in recent months”…

He slammed meat critics and accused them of peddling mis-truths and half-fictions. “The real facts and the latest science are inconvenient for the radical wings of the vegetarian and vegan lobbies,” he said. “They cobble together assumptions based on often partial research and blend incompatible statistical correlation with meat consumption figures that are often far higher than the average UK intake”.’ SOURCE…