The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

CALF: The online database that could help us shift away from factory farms


Through the CALF online database, users can access this information and examine the strengths or weaknesses in current policies affecting farmed animals.

SALLY HO: CALF, which stands for the Coller Animal Law Forum, aims to be a digital interactive tool that analyses and centralises all the laws and policies in the world impacting farmed animals. It represents the first all-in-one platform providing an overview of all legislation relating to issues of animal welfare, environmental protection in agriculture, the global animal trade and the overuse of antibiotics on industrial farms…

CALF is a database for farmed animal law and policy, which could help create a standard global framework to solve the issues of animal welfare, antibiotic resistance and environmental destruction associated with factory farms. It’s been launched this month by the Jeremy Coller Foundation, the same organisation behind the FAIRR Initiative, the $40 trillion investor network that aims to shift the world’s food system away from traditional animal agriculture…

The Jeremy Coller Foundation has described it as a “transparent and standardised examination of laws” that seeks to fill the “lack of coherent and synchronised policy” in the global food system. Through the online database, users can access this information and examine the strengths or weaknesses in current policies affecting farmed animals. It can help policymakers figure out where gaps lie in animal welfare, for example, or which approaches in other countries have shown to be effective in reducing emissions…

The Foundation says that its CALF platform hopes to arm policymakers, advocates and researchers with the information they need to make the protein supply chain more sustainable. It also hopes to guide legislation on the health-related problems of livestock farming, especially in light of the pandemic… Aside from being designed for legislators, academics, and governmental organisations, CALF will also provide information for individuals, who can use the platform to access easy-to-digest factsheets on the issues related to animal agriculture. SOURCE…