The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

CEASE THE DECEIT: ‘Humane’ farming label for animal products rejected in Australia


No process that turns a living, feeling being into dismembered, bloodied cuts of flesh can ever be described as 'humane'.

PETA AUSTRALIA: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has rejected an application by the US-based and misleadingly named Humane Farm Animal Care to bring the “Certified Humane” label to Australia after hearing from PETA and other groups, including the RSPCA and Vegan Australia… In their submission on the application, PETA Australia pointed out that no process that turns a living, feeling being into dismembered, bloodied cuts of flesh can ever be described as “humane”…

For consumers, the term “humane” conjures up images of animals enjoying happy lives and enduring minimal suffering during the slaughter process. However, even if welfare guidelines were strictly followed, these idyllic visions wouldn’t align with the reality of contemporary animal agriculture. For example, the guidelines allow for pregnant and newly nursing sows to be housed inside farrowing crates a mere 1.8 metres by 2.4 metres in size… and even though research has shown that hot branding and freeze branding are painful procedures for cattle, both are allowed under the proposed “humane” certification…

In its final assessment, the ACCC explained its reason for rejecting the certification, citing concern that “there is a risk that products would be certified that were produced using processes that are not consistent with Australian consumers’ expectations of humane animal care, and possibly do not meet minimum Australian animal welfare standards”. Such a label would only be a feel-good marketing ploy to dupe consumers and contribute nothing to the welfare of animals. SOURCE…