The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

STUDY: One Third of Americans Still Aren’t Familiar With Plant-Based Meat


STUDY: A big takeaway is that a massive 57.3 percent of Americans said they were not even familiar with clean meat. And over a third of Americans — 36.4 percent — said they weren’t familiar with plant-based meat.

MIKE POMRANZ: ‘Although cultured meat hasn’t reached the commercial market quite yet, its launch seems inevitable and imminent. What is less certain, however, is whether people will actually consume plant-based meats and/or cultured meats. Are these just novelty products or can they really change the way humans have eaten since, well, forever?..

A recent paper published in the journal Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems took a straightforward approach to determine the answer to this question: They asked people. A team of researchers from the United States, China, and the United Kingdom surveyed over 3,000 participants from the United States, China, and India (the world’s three most populous countries) to see how they felt about meat alternatives.

The authors’ biggest takeaway was that Americans lagged behind both the Chinese and Indians when it came to their willingness to say they would purchase clean meat (the paper’s preferred term) and plant-based meat. In the U.S., 23.6 percent of respondents said they were “not at all likely” to purchase clean meat compared to 29.8 percent saying they were “very or extremely likely”… The results were similar for plant-based meat. In the U.S., 25.3 percent were “not at all likely” to grab something like an Impossible Burger, whereas 32.9 percent were “very or extremely likely”…

Another interesting note about U.S. respondents: A massive 57.3 percent said they were not even familiar with clean meat. And over a third of Americans — 36.4 percent — said they weren’t familiar with plant-based meat… the study concluded that, though much of the groundbreaking work with meat alternatives is taking place in the U.S., in actuality, China and India “may represent especially good opportunities to displace demand for conventional meat”.’ SOURCE..