The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

Here’s how we can rethink the way we eat meat


It’s not enough to produce sustainable plant-based alternatives, but we need to alter human perception so that more people are willing to make the change. Instead of pushing people towards a more plant-based diet, by creating stronger alternatives, you would be able to naturally pull them towards it.

CHIARA CECCHINI: ‘Meat remains an integral part of cultures across the globe. Not only is it a source of nutrition, the eating of meat touches everything from socialization to social status… The increasing impact of meat is expected to only grow more detrimental in the decades to come. Providing plant-based alternatives is a viable solution for reducing our dependence on animal proteins… How we approach the development of sustainable proteins will differ from country to country, as traditional meats are not able to be easily replicated by all cultures…

It’s not enough, though, to produce sustainable plant-based alternatives, but to alter human perception so that more people are willing to make the change. “Instead of pushing people towards a more plant-based diet, by creating stronger alternatives, you would be able to naturally pull them towards it,” says David Benzaquen, founder and CEO of PlantBased Solutions… Several meat substitutes have been developed across the last decades and meat alternatives entirely made of vegetable components have gained market share. The first generation alternative proteins are products based on soy, such as Tofu, Seitan and Quorn. The second generation alternatives are selling the value proposition of bringing to the market a product that bleeds, tastes and looks like meat. Finally, the third generation alternatives is culturing meat based on stem cell technology, also called “clean meat”…

Most consumers already know that eating plant proteins is a smart way to avoid cholesterol, saturated fat and common allergies to eggs and dairy. People are also consuming more plant foods and less animal proteins as a way to avoid hormone and antibiotic residues found in meat. While change in the food industry is inevitable, it will come easier to some than others. Companies’ ability to replicate the unique flavor and texture of meat will have a direct effect on consumers’ decision to make healthier and more sustainable food choices’. SOURCE…