The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

Gene Baur: Don’t blame dairy’s decline on consumer confusion


Agribusiness is going to court to ban plant products from being labeled as 'milk' arguing that these are confusing to consumers. In fact, these labels are more clear and truthful than labels used on cartons of cows’ milk.

GENE BAUR: ‘The National Milk Producers Federation is petitioning the FDA to prohibit dairy-free products from being labeled with terms like milk or yogurt. Such government action would be costly for plant-based producers and it would also be bad for consumers… Animal agriculture is facing increasing competition from more humane, sustainable and healthful products in the marketplace. The industry resorting to heavy-handed measures to maintain their preferential status and profitability. They’ve lobbied for anti-whistleblower “ag-gag” laws to prevent consumers from witnessing the cruelty of factory farming because when citizens are informed, they don’t want to support it….

Agribusiness’ latest tactic is trying to undermine the increasing sales of plant-based products by regulating and preventing commonly used food labels. They’re going to court and lobbying to ban products like almond milk or soy milk, from being labeled as “milk,” spuriously arguing that these descriptions are confusing to consumers. In fact, these labels are more clear and truthful than labels used on cartons of cows’ milk, and consumers are not confused…

Industrialized meat, milk and egg production is an affront to our humanity. It undermines our health and destroys the environment, while most citizens unwittingly support it with their daily food choices and tax dollar subsidies. But as consumers learn more about the negative consequences of factory farming and how it violates their values and interests, more people are seeking alternatives’. SOURCE…