The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

World’s ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ leaders have moral obligation to go VEGAN


Turning off lights and switching to a green energy tariff will only achieve so much. We need greater ambitions. And so we must appeal directly to world leaders to take action: Go vegan.

MATTHEW GLOVER: Many world leaders have remained almost silent about the UN warning that we have just 12 years to halt a climate catastrophe. That’s why the Million Dollar Vegan campaign offered $1m to charity if Pope Francis chooses to eat only plant-based foods during Lent, and encourages Catholics around the world to do the same. The campaign has so far attracted more than 500 media articles in more than 40 countries, but this is no PR stunt. It is a carefully calculated campaign to get the world talking about the ecological breakdown that is underway, and to urge world leaders to step up to the plate.

Although climate change is regularly reported on, political leaders are all too often complacent or complicit, while environmental groups tend to focus their firepower on lobbying governments over fossil fuels and clean energy, while failing to empower individuals to take meaningful action in their own lives. Turning off lights and switching to a green energy tariff will only achieve so much. We need greater ambitions. And so we must appeal directly to world leaders to take action. That’s why the Million Dollar Vegan campaign approached a leader who is not bound by party political factions or short-term strategies designed to shore up support for the next election…

Of course, this is not the sole responsibility of Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, and us as individuals – businesses must also be pressed to act. Retailers should be creating and promoting more and better plant-based foods. Vegan meals should be the default in work canteens, in schools, and on flights… Environmental impact labelling on food products is needed to help people make better choices. And of course, governments must act through state-sponsored education campaigns, ending subsidies for animal agriculture, and taxing the products that cause the most harm’. SOURCE…