The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

Soon, Plant-Based Food Will Become So Common It Won’t Be Newsworthy Anymore


The plant-based diet will become so common that it won’t be newsworthy anymore.There’s going to be a reduction in media attention.

DENIZ GULSOKEN: ‘Whether it’s scientists and food producers racing to get lab-grown meat on the shelves or big conglomerates like Unilever investing in plant-based animal product alternatives, the plant-based movement has been growing exponentially for the past couple of years.

In light of The Future of Meat event hosted by Kinder, the organisation I work for, where he will be speaking, I talked to Pablo Moleman, Co-Founder of The Netherlands branch of prominent international food-awareness organisation Proveg, about the present and future of the plant-based food movement’. SOURCE…