The campaign to promote veganism by exposing the destructive reality of the animal agriculture industry.

Nudging Consumers To Reduce Meat Demand: A Science-Based Approach


The findings show that some interventions have more potential than others for reducing meat demand and consumption. For example, people increased their preference for plant-based alternatives if meat products were made less appealing.

ELENA NALON: ‘A new study published on The Lancet Planetary Health tries to fill this gap by analyzing the efficacy of different interventions in changing consumer behaviour towards a lower demand for meat. Previous research has shown that simply providing information on the negative environmental impact of meat production isn’t enough to modify consumers’ habits in a lasting way.

This happens because even if we’re consciously aware of the impact of eating meat, other powerful and unconscious factors (e.g., conviviality, lack of appetizing alternatives) often drive us to default to long-standing habits. However, there is an array of alternative strategies that can be used to influence behavior towards reducing meat consumption, often without us even being aware of them.

The authors of this study carried out a systematic review of research reporting the effects of different types of interventions in the microenvironments − places where people buy or consume food − on meat demand… The findings show that some interventions have more potential than others for reducing meat demand and consumption.

Here are some examples of successful interventions taken from the study: People presented with smaller meat portion sizes over a period of time… offered meat-free or reduced-meat alternatives as well as individual coaching… increased their preference for plant-based alternatives if meat products were made less appealing… increased their demand for vegetarian meals if these were presented more prominently than meat options in online menus and in canteens…

While these interventions are effective, the study concludes that animal advocates should persist in educating the general public on the effects of excessive meat consumption on animal welfare, the environment, and public health. Providing information and education remains a staple and should always accompany any practical intervention for maximum cumulative impact’. SOURCE…