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Personhood for Animals? This Collective is Fighting to Make This a Reality!

Understanding that every life form has an intrinsic value of its own and a purpose, animal rights activists and organisations have been vehemently advocating for personhood for animals.

LEKSHMI PRIYA S: ‘In the race to satisfy our [human] needs and more often than not, our greed, we have essentially lost sight on one crucial fact — that animals are sentient beings with varying levels of intelligence… Indeed, animals are even usually addressed as objects, with pronouns like ‘it’, despite the fact that these are life forms that breathe, feel, reproduce and die – just like us.

From the exploitation of elephants and wild animals captive in zoos to animals in dairy farms and slaughterhouses, there has been a high degree of cruelty and harassment to animals through the ages. Understanding that every life form has an intrinsic value of its own and a purpose, animal rights activists and organisations have been vehemently advocating for ‘personhood for animals,’ a campaign that has been gaining momentum in recent decades…

Interestingly, India has always had a welfare-centric attitude towards animals – a very different approach in comparison to the rest of world… The Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations or FIAPO is a collective of animal protection organisations established in 2010 that has been one of the harbingers of animal rights in the country and has been working towards changing exploitative behaviour and denigrating perceptions of animals. What the organisation now aims to accomplish is to bring forth a legal framework that grants personhood for animals’. SOURCE…


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